Picking the ideal fire set up for cooking depends on circumstances- this is the cabin Style

Picking the ideal fire set up for cooking depends on circumstances- this is the cabin Style



We are so lucky to have so many options for cooking our foods, not to mention the option to not cook at all! This got me thinking about the fact that we do rely on our outdoor equipment and cookware when it comes to outdoor cooking. Even if you’re a person who has experience campfire cooking, you likely do this style of cooking with one type of fire setup .

Let’s look at some of the options for setting up an outdoor fire that don’t include purchased equipment, just the natural elements found outdoors – rock, tinder, kindling, and logs/wood. As I always like to remind you, though you may not use this information immediately, you should read it and keep a reference handy for when a situation may arise that you need it, such as a natural disaster, power grid emergency or other such catastrophic event.

Fire Setup #1: Trench Fire
