Wed 13 May 2020
Posted by DonnaGRead other related stories: General Smoking Information
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I’m sure you’ve had similar experiences. You’re looking for a specific product, you come across a web page you’ve never visited before. You quickly seek out testimonials and location/contact information and develop an interest in purchasing from that supplier. Your only hesitation is, you don’t see a lot of information on who they sell to from a commercial prospect. So, you may bookmark them but you seek out another avenue for purchasing what you need or stay with the current supplier.
SmokinLicious® could be that company search.
Here’s the thing. Most Chefs, Food & Beverage Buyers, Purchasing Agents, and CEOs don’t want their competition to know about their operation. They certainly don’t want them to know about a key food ingredient especially one like hardwood that can make or break a menu or food item.
Would we like to add a page to our website and sales package of all the logos of the various companies, resorts, restaurants, and smokehouses that use our products from around the world? Absolutely! Would that give credence to our cause? Certainly! Could that posting bring new business? I would hope.
But here’s the thing. Companies and particularly Chefs and SmokeMasters, don’t like to give up their secrets especially when it comes to cooking, recipes, and technique. Every type of market is competitive but when it comes to food, the margins are really slim on turning a profit and making a restaurant, resort, or food company a success. For that reason, we’ve learned to always start out with our Partners telling them that “we can keep a secret”. We won’t look to post their logo on our website or include it in our media kit. We won’t ask them to give a detailed testimonial on what product they’re using and with what equipment. Instead, we stand behind them. We offer the technical support they can’t get anywhere else. We offer them consulting services they can’t get from any other wood supplier. And we offer customization of product that makes them stand out from all the other companies attempting to do a similar thing.
And what do we get? Pride. That we are the best product out there because our Partners get the results they want and need. That we have the knowledge of wood-fired technique and hardwoods that can’t be found anywhere else. That we can work with them to develop customization they won’t get anywhere else.
In the long run, it’s like having a BFF. We’ll always be there to listen to your needs, to guide you, to work through your tribulation, to celebrate your success, and to keep your secrets!

Dr. Smoke, we don’t let our secrets and we apply this same principle by protecting the customer’s information!