Fri 19 Oct 2007
Single Filet @ Oinktoberfest
Posted by DrSmokeRead other related stories: General Smoking Information , Smoking Dust
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our Single filet was born at the Oinktoberfest because of rave reviews.
Single Filet at Oinktoberfest
During most competitions we distribute a sample of our products to the competing teams. I call it the secret ingredient of the competition!! During the Oinktoberfest in Clarence, NY I handed out Smokin Dust® as our gift pack to the teams. In the fairness of the competition I try to mix up the flavors among the teams! The following is what one competitor had to say about our product:
“We would like to thank you for your sample of Black Cherry Smokin’ Dust® during Oinktoberfest 2007. We were able to place 4th in pork during the KCBS contest using your product. Even better we were able to win Grand Champion in the backyard event on Sunday. We used the Dust on all categories, (1st chicken wings, 6th sausage, 3rd ribs, 2nd beef). We also won the chili cook off with meat smoked using the Dust. Overall great product that gave us the winning edge, my order is coming soon!”
Good Smoke BBQ
Rochester, NY
Thank you Brian!!
Bon Bar B Q
Dr Smoke!!
Present Day Update…
Although the Ointoberfest no longer takes place in the Fall but moved to August, this was one of those local events that allowed us to secure many local connections to make testing our products that much easier.
Our wood chunks were one product that we knew needed expansion. Just how would we find ideal sizing without having to offer extreme options that would challenge our packaging team? By turning to our competitive friends who could offer valuable critic and suggestions that aided us to develop the Double and Single Filet options.
The Birth of the Single Filet Wood Chunk
Larger fireboxes mean a larger chunk is needed. To determine the ideal size that could fit multiple manufacturers’ equipment, we turned to our competitor friends who influenced our final product. We will be forever indebted to all those who worked with us to bring our two great chunk options to the market.
Oh, and these friends also are credited with our choice to give you 3 wood choices in every carton, no matter the size chosen.
With SmokinLicious®, you have history with the dedication and commitment it takes to bring great flavor to anything cooked by fire!

Dr. Smoke and the team update our live fire test results for Single Filet @ Oinktoberfest!

More Related reading on how Smokinlicious® perfected our great smoking products at various live fire BBQ events around North America